Orthopedic Physical Therapy: What You Need to Know

Physical therapy is a broad field where a specialized health care team collaborates for your continuity of care. Orthopedic physical therapy, for example, is orthopedic rehabilitation and treatment of orthopedic conditions by use of exercise and other techniques that help restore function to the body. In this blog post, we will discuss orthopedics in more detail so you can decide if orthopedic physical therapy is right for you!

Causes of Nasal Bone Fracture and Treatment Options

Nasal bone fracture is a nasal injury that may occur due to nasal trauma. It can be caused by nasal surgery, nose picking, nose-blowing, or nasal septum injuries. Nasal fractures are not typical and usually require surgical treatment for repair. However, some people with nasal bone fractures will heal without any medical intervention. This article discusses the possible causes of nasal bone fractures and the treatment options available to those who suffer from these injuries.

Movable Lump on Jaw Bone: What You Need to Know

A movable lump on the jaw bone is a mass or growth that can be felt on the surface of the skin. This type of lump is also known as a tumor. While most lumps are not cancerous, a movable lump on the jaw bone may be a sign of a more serious health problem. In this article, we discuss what movable lumps on the jaw bone are, what causes them, how they are treated, and what risks are associated with movable lumps on the jaw bone.

Nasal Reconstruction Surgery: What You Need To Know

Nasal abnormalities happen for many different reasons. One of these is the possible side effect of Mohs surgery. This is a medical procedure that can effectively address skin cancer on the nose. However, the treatment can leave a nasal defect behind. You can ask for a professional opinion if you want to know other surgical options to address your condition. In any case, let this article help you understand everything you need to know about nasal reconstruction surgery.

How to Reduce Swelling on Face Due to Injury? (5 Common Techniques)

Facial swelling can be an indication of different medical conditions. Distinguishing the possible reason for the swelling helps identify the most proper treatment. So, if you have facial swelling because of dental trauma, try this clinic to get the treatment you need. Most of the time, facial swelling can go from minor, easily treatable issues to more severe conditions requiring earnest immediate medical consideration. Keep reading to learn how to reduce swelling on the face due to injury, allergy, surgery, and right after you wake up.

Mouth Guard For Jaw Pain (Dental Appliances To Ease The Pain)

A mouth guard for jaw pain is one of the dental appliances a dentist may recommend. Jaw pain could be a result of clenching and grinding of teeth at night. Dentists refer to this activity as bruxism. As a result of prolonged grinding or clenching, it can damage the teeth and the temporomandibular joint. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw to our skull. On the other hand, a mouth doesn’t work for jaw pain only. It can also serve as equipment to prevent dental injuries, such as sports injuries. In this case, let us find out more details about how mouth guards can help address someone’s jaw pain.

Is It Normal To Feel Jaw Pain After Tooth Extraction?

Jaw pain after a tooth extraction is normal and typically fades after one to two days. It may also be accompanied by minimal bleeding and soreness. You might have some trouble opening your mouth as well. However, if the jaw joint pain and the bleeding in the extraction site persist after two days, it’s time to call your dentist. Severe pain could mean that the treated area is infected and that needs immediate dental attention.

What is Nasal Bone Spur? (Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments)

What is the first thing you think of when you hear the words ‘nasal bone spur’? Does anybody describe your facial feature that way? Or perhaps, you have a deviated septum because of a nasal bone spur? Whatever the reason is, most individuals who have this condition are usually not happy about it. Not only because it is not aesthetically pleasing, but also bone spur of the nose can cause discomfort and affect the quality of life. However, if you have this condition, nasal bone surgery will help you to correct your nasal feature.